The Study on Portman-Murphy Counter -Propaganda Billand the Fake News Spread Via We-media
Author: Time:2017-02-15The Study on Portman-Murphy Counter -Propaganda Billand the Fake News Spread Via We-media
Keywords:counter-propaganda, we-media, algorithm
Abstract:This thesis analyses the diosmose of the fake news spread via we-media, based on some cases since the American Counter-Propaganda Bill's implementation. In 2016, American president signed the Portman-Murphy Counter- Propaganda Bill, which states that U.S will not only establish a Global Operation Center". This center will be responsible to do the information analysis and reaction, but also deliver the true information and provide financial support for the citizens, reporters, social groups, NGOs and research institutions who will analyze, collect and cope with the foreign rumors. The author hold the opinion that, by means of carrying out this Bill, U.S is trying to achieve this transfer of communication right of the information transmission platform. By this transfer, U.S will achieve its goal that the algorithm will decide the truth of news, and then people will listen to the algorithm, while the algorithm listens to these elites who bring the algorithm under their control.
Authors:CHEN Xuan (a professor of School of Jourmalism and Communication, Renmin Universityof China and a researcher of the Journalism and Social Development Research Center, Renmin University of China. )
ZHANG Jinlin ( a doctoral candidate of School of Journalism and Communication, RenminUniversity of China.)