议程安排 | 2016国际传播协会·北京后续会
ICA 2016 Beijing-Post Conference
Time: June 14, 2016 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Location:the Chinese Classics Studies Building Renmin University of China
主题:媒介传播理论的反思与创新:比较作为权力的理论和作为理论的权力Theme:Theory as Power vs. Power as Theory in Communication StudiesHosted by:School of Journalism & Communication, RUCOpening Ceremony and Keynote Presentations时 间:2016年6月14日上午9:00-12:00
地 点:国学馆116报告厅
主持人: 上半场杨保军、下半场贾文山
Time:June 14, 2016, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon
Location:the Chinese Classics Studies Building Auditorium No. 116
Chaired by: Baojun Yang (First Half) & Wenshan Jia (Second Half)
执行院长 郭庆光教授致辞 | Remarks by Qingguang Guo (Dean & Professor, School of Journalism & Communication, RUC, China)
Keynote No. 1 by Robert Craig(Ph. D., Emeritus Professor, University of Colorado at Boulder, Former ICA President)Title:Traditions of Communication Theory and the Potential of East-West Dialogue主题:中国风格的跨文化交流理论——以三期三教合一为例Keynote No. 2 by Wenshan Jia (Ph. D., Professor, School of Journalism & Communication, RUC, China & School of Communication, Chapman University, USA)Title:A Chinese Theory of Intercultural Communication—the Three Cases of Three in One
Photography: 10:10 a.m.-10:40 a.m.
Keynote No. 3 by Daya Kishan Thussu (Ph. D., Professor, Communication and Media Research Institute, University of Westminster, UK)Title:Bric by Bric: BRICS building a NWICO 2.0
Keynote No. 4 by Bo Shan (Ph. D., Professor, School of Journalism & Communication, Wuhan University, China)Title:A Case Study of Intercultural Understanding of the Value Item “Humility”主题:衰落的力量?——国际化传播研究国际化的惯性理论.知识范式和终极困境Keynote No. 5 by Georgette Wang (Ph. D., Professor, National Chengchi University, Taiwan)Title: Dwindling Power? Theory Inertia, Paradigm and the Long, Last Mile of Internationalizing Communication ResearchKeynote No.6 by Hailong Liu (Ph. D. & Professor, School of Journalism & Communication, RUC, China)Title: Communication Research in China: Cross-Cultural Travel and Scholarly Self-ConsciousnessInternational CommunicationLocation: The Chinese Classics Study Building No. 123Chaired by :Huifeng Zhang,RUCResponded by :Daya Thussu (University of Westminter, UK)Ph.D. & Professor of School of Journalism & Communication, RUC,ChinaTitle:The Values of Journalistic Exchange Programs for Developing Global Journalists李红梅& Leslie Marsh Hongmei Li & Leslie Marsh迈阿密大学媒体、新闻和电影系迈阿密大学战略传播学副教授Department of Media, Journalism and Film, Miami University, Oxford Ohio, USATitle:Building the BRICS: Media, Nation Brandingand Global citizenshipCollege of Media and International Culture, Zhejiang University, China主题:我国媒体对外传播中新疆形象的研究:——以2005-2015年《凤凰周刊》和《人民日报》(海外版)涉疆报道为例Title:A Study of Xinjiang’s Image in International Communication by Chinese Media: Taking the Reports on Xinjiang of “Phoenix Weekly” and“People's Daily” (Overseas Edition) between 2005 and 2015 as the CasesSchool of Foreign Languages, Dalian Maritime University, ChinaNews reporter for China Central TelevisionInternational ChannelTitle: The EU’s Image in Popular Chinese Social MediaSchool of Journalism & Communication, Guangxi University, China主题:新媒介背景下中国媒体生态系统的建构与国际传播力的提升Title: Construction of China’s Media Ecosystem and Promotion of International Communication in the Era of New MediaCollege of Foreign Studies, Yangzhou University, China主题:论中国国际传播中人际传播与自媒体传播的“补充”功效Title: The Supplementation Effect of Interpersonal Communication and We-Media Communication in China’s International CommunicationSchool of Journalism & Communication, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China主题:中国的“国际媒体软实力”?——基于31个国家华侨报纸的调查研究
Title: “International Soft Media Power” for China? An Investigation of Chinese Diasporic Newspapers in the 31 Countries
Theoretical Paradigms in Comparison & ContrastLocation: The Chinese Classics Study Building No. 225Chaired by: Baijing Hu, RUCResponded by :Wenshan Jia, RUCProfessor & Chair,Department of Communication, University of Colorado at BoulderTitle:Language and Social Interaction—A Distinctive Communicative Approach to PowerJournalism & Communication Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences主题:针对中国传播学者的实证研究——国际出版物和碎片化特殊主义Title:International Publications and Fragmented Particularism: An Empirical Study on Chinese Communication ScholarsInstitutite of Communiction and Media Studies, Free University of Berlin, Germany主题:超越权力的概念——全球跨文化传播和媒体研究中的文化和文明Title:Beyond Power: Civilization and Kultur in the Global Multicultural Communication and Media StudiesInternational Communication, University of Westminster in London, UK主题:全球资本主义时代东西方日渐模糊的二元论——重新探讨文化帝国主义范式Title:Dispelled Dualism between East and West in the Age of Global Capitalism– Revisiting the Cultural Imperialism ParadigmHangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, ChinaTitle: Contemporary Chinese Communication in GlobalizationTheoretical & Methodological ExplorationsLocation:The Chinese Classics Study Building No. 325Chaired by:Yunze Zhao, RUC王润泽 & 赵萌 Runze Wang & Meng ZhaoSchool of Journalism & Communication, RUC, China主题:官方与民间:报刊舆论的首次抗争-兼论<<汇报>>的创办及其停刊Title:Official and Civil: The First Public Opinion Battle through a Newspaper- A Study of the Founding and Closure of HuiPaoSchool of Journalism & Communication, Peking University, China主题:批判的国际传播研究:传播媒介在全球政治、经济与文化秩序中的角色Title:Critical International Communication Studies:The Role of Media in Global Political, Economic and Cultural OrderInstitute of Communication, Communication University of ChinaTitle:The History, Social Basis and Essence of “The Theory of Media as Instruments for Public Interest”Institute of International Financial News, University of International Business and Economics, China主题:新型全球媒介生态下“他国崛起”理论与路径研究Title: The Theory of “Rise of the Other Countries” and its Evolutionary Path in the New Global Media EcosystemCollege of International Exchanges, Anshan Normal University, Liaoning, China主题:中国调解文化的特征分析及其对当代跨文化传播的启示Title:An Analysis of Chinese Mediation Culture and its Inspiration for Contemporary Intercultural CommunicationSchool Of Marxism, Northwest Polytechnical University, China主题:伦理-政治商谈中理解实现的内在机理:基于伽达默尔的解释学循环Title:An Interpretation of the Internal Mechanismin Negotiation of Ethics and Politics Based on Gadamer’s Hermeneutic CircleDepartment of Communication, University of Oklahoma, USATitle: On Intercultural Communication Studies from the Perspective of HermeneuticsInstitute of Intercultural and Regional Studies, Zhejiang University, ChinaTitle:The Echo of History and the Localization of Communication Discourse ParadigmsReexamining Journalism &CommunicnationTheories in Era of New MediaLocation: The Chinese Classics Study Building No. 325Chaired by :Runze Wang, RUCResponded by: Dexin Tian,Yangzhou University, ChinaSchool of Journalism & Communication, RUC主题:从“媒介时间”到“虚拟时间”:时间赋权与传播理论建构Title: From “Media Time” to “Virtual Time”: Time Empowerment and Communication Theory Construction主题:刍议互联网时代下的博物馆传统教育——兼谈传播学两种理论的融合Title:A Tentative Discussion on the History Education of Museums in the Internet Era: A Study of the Integration of Two CommunicationTheoriesSchool of Journalism & Communication, RUC主题:虚拟现实与增强现实技术下新闻真实理论的检视Title:An Inquiry of the Theory of Truth in Journalism under VR and AR TechnologiesSchool of Journalism & Communication, Peking University, ChinaTitle:A Reexamination of China’s Yan’an Journalism Tradition in the Era of Globalization王青龙;许文敏 Qinglong Wang & Wenmin XuSchool of Journalism & Communication, Anhui University, China主题:新媒体视角下个体的自我赋权:基于“桑兰微博反击新华社”的思考;Title:The Self-Empowerment of the Individual from the Perspective of New Media: Reflections on “Sang Lan Counterattacks Xinhua NewsAgency on Weibo”School of Journalism & Communication, Tianjin Normal University, China主题:媒介认同:影响媒介权力实现的关键变量——对农夫山泉与京华时报“对峙事件”的反思Title: Media Identity: Key Variables in Media Power Realization: Reflections on the “Standoff” between Nongfu Spring and Beijing TimesApplied Studies of Communication TheoryLocation: The Chinese Classics Study Building No. 225Chaired by: Xin Zhong, RUCResponded by: Di Zhang, RUCDepartment of Communication and Journalism, Rider University, USA主题:通信技术社会建构主义理论的拓展:中国手机短信的文化维度Title:An Expansion of the Theory of Social Constructivism in Communication Technology: the Cultural Dimension of MobileTexting in ChinaCollege of Communication and Information Sciences, the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA主题:理论视角下的现实世界中过度使用社交媒体对人际沟通的影响Title:The Effects of Using Social Media Excessively on Interpersonal Communication in the Real World: A Theoretical Exploration
Guangming College of Journalism & Communication, China Politics and Law University主题:把他人当自我:中国大陆传播表征研究的社会心理Title:The Others as Our Self—The Social Psychology in Research on Representations of Communication In Mainland China刘新传 Xinchuan Liu;Guohua ZengSchool of Journalism & Communication,Peking University, China; Chinese Academy of Social Sciences主题:新浪微博上的数字鸿沟与灾害通信(2009-2014)Title:Digital Divide and Disaster communication on Sina Weibo (2009-2014)Department of Communication, Stanford University主题:审慎考虑与公共意志:以德克萨斯州就公共设施的选择征求公众的意见为例Title:Deliberation and Public Spiritedness: Consulting the Public in Texas on Utility ChoicesSchool of Journalism and Communication, RUCTitle:Extreme Moderation: Political Economy as the Blind Spot of Dutch Journalism StudiesAssociate Professor of Law, School of Law, RUC主题:跨越挑战:跨文化传播、一带一路和中国法治建设Title:Beyond Challenges:Intercultural-communication, One Belt One Road Initiative and China’s Rule of Law Construction